A graph arc represents an uni-directional link between two GraphNode objects

GraphArc objects are created and managed by the Graph class.


new (node:GraphNode<T>, ?userData:Dynamic)

Creates a graph arc pointing to node.


@:value(HashKey.next())read onlykey:Int = HashKey.next()

A unique identifier for this object.

A hash table transforms this key into an index of an array element by using a hash function.


A reference to the next graph arc in the list.

The GraphNode class manages a doubly linked list of GraphArc objects.


The node that this arc points to.


A reference to the previous graph arc in the list.

The GraphNode class manages a doubly linked list of GraphArc objects.


Custom data associated with this arc.

read onlyval:T

The data of the node that this arc points to.


free ():Void

Destroys this object by explicitly nullifying the node and all pointers for GC'ing used resources.

Improves GC efficiency/performance (optional).