A binary search tree (BST)

A BST automatically arranges BinaryTreeNode objects so the resulting tree is a valid BST.


class Element implements polygonal.ds.Comparable<Element> {
    var i:Int;
    public function new(i:Int) {
        this.i = i;
    public function compare(other:Element):Int {
        return other.i - i;
    public function toString():String {
        return Std.string(i);


var o = new polygonal.ds.Bst<Element>();
o.insert(new Element(1));
o.insert(new Element(0));
o.insert(new Element(2));
o.insert(new Element(7));
trace(o); //outputs:

[ Bst size=4


new ()


@:value(HashKey.next())read onlykey:Int = HashKey.next()

A unique identifier for this object.

A hash table transforms this key into an index of an array element by using a hash function.

@:value(false)reuseIterator:Bool = false

If true, reuses the iterator object instead of allocating a new one when calling this.iterator().

The default is false.

If this value is true, nested iterations will fail as only one iteration is allowed at a time.

read onlysize:Int

The total number of nodes.


@:value({ gc : false })clear (gc:Bool = false):Void

Removes all elements.



if true, elements are nullified upon removal so the garbage collector can reclaim used memory.

@:value({ copier : null, byRef : true })clone (byRef:Bool = true, ?copier:T ‑> T):Collection<T>

Creates and returns a shallow copy (structure only - default) or deep copy (structure & elements) of this binary search tree.

If byRef is true, primitive elements are copied by value whereas objects are copied by reference.

If byRef is false, the copier function is used for copying elements. If omitted, clone() is called on each element assuming all elements implement Cloneable.

inlinecontains (val:T):Bool

Returns true if this BST contains val.

find (val:T):BinaryTreeNode<T>

Finds the node that stores val.


the node storing val or null if val does not exist.

free ():Void

Destroys this object by explicitly nullifying all nodes, pointers and elements for GC'ing used resources.

Improves GC efficiency/performance (optional).

insert (val:T):BinaryTreeNode<T>

Inserts val into the binary search tree.


the inserted node storing val.

isEmpty ():Bool

Returns true only if this.size is 0.

iterator ():Itr<T>

Returns a new BstIterator object to iterate over all elements contained in this BST.

The elements are visited by using a preorder traversal.


remove (val:T):Bool

Removes all nodes containing val.


true if at least one occurrence of val is nullified.

removeNode (node:BinaryTreeNode<T>):Bool

Removes node.


true if node was successfully removed.

root ():BinaryTreeNode<T>

The root node or null if no root exists.

toArray ():Array<T>

Returns an array containing all elements in this BST.

The elements are added by applying a preorder traversal.

toString ():String

Prints out all elements.